Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend of AWESOME

You know those weekends where you get everything accomplished that you want to so on Sunday night you can sit back, relax and take a breather knowing that you did everything you possibly could to make the most of the time you had?

Yeah. Me either.

But this past weekend came about as close as I can get to that.

Matt had Friday night off work since he has been putting in so much extra time teaching training classes. We were able to go out and spend some time with friends that we haven't seen in like... forever, due to my AWESOME parents and their willingness to baby-sit even though they've already watched the kids twice this week while Matt was at school. We haven't had any nights out for a while so it was VERY VERY MUCH appreciated and needed.

Saturday I was able to spend some time working on the quilt. Due to Matt's EXTREME AWESOMEness, he took the girls to the grocery store and left me home with a sleeping baby and a load of material to cut. SWEET. I got all the pieces cut out that I needed to while they were gone. I was even able to get a bunch of blocks sewn up later that day due to AWESOME children keeping themselves entertained while mom was holed up in the basement.

Today was pretty good as well. The AWESOME kids behaved through Sacrament Meeting, the rest of the blocks are sewn because my AWESOME baby took a 3 hour nap (I'm positive it's because of the constant prayer running through my head "Please let Liam sleep long enough for me to finish this..."), the AWESOME kids actually ate dinner and my AWESOME laundry got folded and put away. (Okay, so the laundry is far from AWESOME, but I was on a roll with the theme there...)

So what if the bathrooms didn't get cleaned and the yard didn't get worked on and the garden didn't get planted...Or the kitchen floor still needs to be scrubbed, or the garage still has unpacked boxes, or the mirrors still have fingerprints. I had myself a weekend full of AWESOME.


And isn't that what's really important?

(Don't answer that...)


Carrie said...

I LOVE weekends like that!! Congrats on working on your quilt! As for the boxes...We just got all of ours unpacked from our move in Jan while my folks were here and then put an offer in on our house two weeks later. *sigh*

CONGRATS on getting a date too, I know for me I need those to be a better Mom. Miss you!!!

Heather H said...

YAY!! I am so glad you had such a productive weekend!