Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Well, after a somewhat frazzled week trying to get Liam's blessing arranged for today, everything worked out fine. We were able to have almost everyone there (minus one family that had a child throw up in the car on their way to our house, one that couldn't get to Utah from Idaho on such short notice, and one dedicated YW President that was the only one attending meetings for her group on Easter Sunday).

(run on sentences are fun, aren't they?)

Anyway, the Easter Bunny portion of Easter was mostly non-existent this year because of all the hub-bub with the Blessing (I didn't even take pictures...gasp!). I even forgot to get pictures of the girls in their new dresses (which I could have done anytime during the day since they refused to take them off). But I did manage to get some of the Blessing and those that participated. (Why do I like parenthesis so much?)

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