Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Girls' Night Out

I went out with three old friends last night.

I have to admit, I was a little worried how it would work out. There is something very scary about meeting up with people that you haven't seen for a long time...Especially since I arrived at the restaurant before anyone else and had enough time to wonder if anyone else was coming.

But really...it turned out to be one of the best evenings I've had for a long time.

Since I moved around so much as a kid, I really missed growing up with the same group of friends my whole life. This is the closest I get to having that kind of relationship. There's just something really...refreshing...about being with people that have known you for a really long time...especially if they can still pretend to like you.

We got caught up on what everyone has been doing, shared pictures, laughed about dumb stuff we did when we were little, found out what other people we knew have been up to and just generally had a great time. Looking at us talking and laughing at the table, you wouldn't have known that we haven't seen other for 8-13 years. (And according to our waiter, you wouldn't have known that we were all in our 30's either. Such a nice boy.)

(We even took some cheesy pictures at the restaurant. You can see them here on Anji's blog.)

Thanks to Shelly for getting us all together!


ejrowsell said...

LOL! I wonder if you had to be careful with what you really wanted to say about us.. since you know I am a BLOG stalker!! ;-)
My favorite thing about last night is that we just picked up where we left off. Like no time had passed at all. It was refreshing. Thanks to everybody for coming, and thanks to Ryan for thinking we were in our mid 20s! Lets keep it going. 13 years is WAY to long! Next time we need to go somewhere with Diet Coke, yes I am an addict.

Heather H said...

How fun!!