Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick would be proud...

Oh boy did we celebrate! I was feeling bad that the girls didn't get to go to school and partake of all the activities today...so we decided to liven things up a little at home.

We made green pancakes for dinner (I couldn't think of anything Irish and that was the best bet for food coloring).

To be followed by green cupcakes with green frosting and green sprinkles.

I'm sure we had waaaaaay too much food coloring.

But, it had the great side effect of making Kenna forget about being sick for a couple of hours. Which means, I think she's feeling better, she's just stringing it out in order to get more "green drink". ("green drink" = Sprite - since it comes in the green bottles they think it's green, even though we've pointed out it is not green once you pour it out.)

I really hope no one else comes down with this one. I can do colds, but Sunday night was a LONG one and I have no desire to do more throw up laundry. Yuck. Plus Kenna insisting that she has to carry a bowl around everywhere is embarrassing. It's awkward to explain that at the grocery store.

Also, did I mention that Liam is tall enough to get an open yogurt container off the kitchen table?

Awesome. I love cleaning up after these munchkins.


Carrie said...

I'm so sorry Kenna was sick. It is no fun cleaning that up. When Jonathan was last sick he would look at the bowl then turn his head and throw up. I thought I was going to go insane!! Love the picture of Liam!

Jenny said...

Fun stuff! We did green pancakes one year for St Patty's day and after that Ammon insisted on pulling out the food coloring EVERY time we made pancakes. It took about a year for him to get over it. I had forgotten that experience and I suggested green pancakes again. It was outlawed by my husband. Oh well.

To your question about the park - it is right next to the Riverton Library (to the South of the Library, to be exact).

SuburbiaMom said...

I love green food! Glad you could lift the kids' spirits with the green food!!

Nurse Heidi said...

Ugh...the evil stomach bug of doom. Katie was the only one that had it in our house, I think due to my obsessive decontaminating of everything that could possibly be a disease vector. Sorry you guys had it too.

I love the yogurt picture of Liam - absolutely classic!

Anonymous said...

Way to celebrate in a really green way. I like the idea of pancakes for dinner. Cute pictures to go along with it.